The Family Legacy Alliance is committed to helping lawyers and law firms use innovative and proven strategies designed to successfully focus and achieve their goals. We provide mentoring, coaching, and consultation services to these groups so they can work more effectively. When it comes to planning legacies, we believe in a values-based approach, because life isn’t just about taxes and money. It’s important to know the story that drove you to committing to practice law and how you wish to be remembered — either through your businesses’ impact on the community or simply by eliminating uncertainty for client  families by opening a dialogue.

We help our clients navigate the path to success so they can have purposeful and productive discussions directed to their goals. Our expansive network of advisors provides a broad knowledge base, allowing us to create unique and customized solutions. That requires the guidance of experts who understand that you have sacrificed time with family and friends over the years, in order to build something bigger than yourselves. This collaborative model shifts the focus to community-based and human-centered values, building stronger relationships, establishing meaningful goals, and creating a valuable legacy.


Our mission is to help people foster more productive discussions to advance their agenda whether it be personal growth, increasing value, transitioning out of the business  or streamlining a business to work better.  We design and implement customized strategies that provide holistic and creative solutions, based on each client’s unique vision of their practice and legacy.


We recognize that providing guidance that’s outside the box is a competitive advantage. We’re here to teach and transform the way people approach the practice of law. We also help families enjoy their wealth in a way that preserves integral relationships, allows their businesses to thrive, and offers them the opportunity to contribute to their communities and fulfill a personal search for meaning.

By leveraging our expertise, we give assurance that we understand your vision of what you hope to leave future generations, and of the love and hard work you poured into starting the firm in the first place. We integrate personal, business, and family goals to provide a truly balanced, values-based approach.


Our core consideration is the development of the business in a purposeful and meaningful way that accomplishes the clients’ objectives. Clients are taught to view circumstances more holistically and to align them with their overall visions. It’s important to conduct periodic progress reviews to ensure long-term success.


Each enterprise has unique circumstances under which it was created and developed. Many service-based professionals are not taught how to run a business successfully. They are taught the nuances of their trade, but get lost in the day-to-day activities that must be undertaken for continued success: location of the business, keeping books and records, networking and marketing, hiring and firing, setting up for the transition of ownership, and intrafamily issues. They may have had initial successes, but eventually reach a plateau and could benefit from some outside guidance.

Many families are ill-versed in dealing with inter-family or inter-generational communication. Some family members have more financial knowledge, people skills, or other talents that can be leveraged for even further success.

Depending on the situation, some of these concerns call for unique and complex solutions that are best analyzed from different viewpoints. We consult with the client to determine their goals and objectives. With their assistance, we outline a process to achieve those goals and to ensure prosperity. We are committed to strengthening the long-term viability of the business and ensuring that the firm will prosper.


Creating a legacy is a powerful undertaking, and one we take very seriously. It is our aim to prepare, develop and guide the client through a process that will foster stronger relationships, a clearer focus, and a greater possibility of facing and overcoming unanticipated challenges in the future — in both their businesses, professional and personal lives.