I can’t believe it’s already almost Thanksgiving, yet it gives me pause to think about and be thankful for all the blessings I’ve received this year.  My closest and dearest friend predicted that 2019 was going to be a great year…one to be thankful for…and to date that prediction is coming true.  Here is a short list of some of the things I’m thankful for:
Michael and Susan at their wedding, Michael's daughter and son-in-law

  • New Year’s Day 2019 catching the sunrise on Sanibel Island in Florida where we enjoyed a week with close friends
  • Exercising regularly and getting back in shape
  • Meditating every morning to keep me grounded, present and in the moment and closer to people
  • Getting certified as a Mindfulness Coach so I can teach others the benefits of slowing down and listening
  • Getting into running and biking more
  • Calmly meeting the challenges at work and helping craft its growth
  • Spending a week golfing with my buddies in Palm Desert
  • Coaching others how to grow, maintain and sell their businesses
  • Making several new friends both professionally and personally
  • And probably the most exciting of all…I found my soulmate, got married and just recently found out I was going to be a Pappou (Grandfather) for the first time!

It has been a wonderful year, and I am looking forward to seeing the rest of it play out.  I have learned rather than try to engineer the future, letting go and remaining curious and excited about what is coming is more fun.  I don’t try to anticipate or overthink it…just remain open to the possibility that things will work out.

Historically, I’ve been quite impatient and tried to make things turn out the way I wanted.  I’ve learned that you can’t force things.  Sometimes you just have to be open to possibility for there to be a possibility.  I’ve learned that when life gets hectic and I get anxious, just stepping back for a few minutes, closing my eyes and breathing deeply is all it takes to calm things down and let me see things more clearly.

As we move into the hectic holiday season, it’s helpful to look back over the past few months and fondly remember the good things that have happened.  You can gain perspective and move forward to an exciting future.  I can’t wait to see what is in store and rather than worrying about it, I look forward to the new challenges that await.  I wish you all Happy Thanksgiving and encourage you to look back on the good things that have happened in your lives over the past year.  It may just bring a smile to your face…