Perhaps you graduated from law school several years ago, and you’re ready to start a practice of your own. Or you’ve been in practice for a few years, but you’re at a growth transition where you’ve got too much on your plate — you want to expand, but can’t even get the time to think about it.

Whether an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, through Next Level Peer Group with Family Legacy Alliance, you’ll discover what other attorneys are doing to expand and grow their practices, learn new ways to innovate and navigate challenges, and support others who may have similar experiences.

Benefits include:

  • Attaining work life balance

  • Improving efficiency within the practice

  • Participating in a collegial and collaborative atmosphere
  • Creating automated or streamlined systems
  • Incorporating new technologies
  • Accountability to stay on track
  • Outlining and achieving your goals
  • Avoiding overwhelm
  • Feeling successful in navigating day-to-day issues

Sessions begin May 3rd
Registration opens soon — sign up to be notified!