In John’s article “Creating Legacies of Significance” featured on The Thought Board, he talks legacy and why it’s so important to include in your estate planning process:

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend and we started talking about our families. He mentioned that he had completed his estate plan. He met with his attorney and financial advisor and got input from his accountant too. He went on to say that he was pleased with all of the documents and thought that the plan was a good one. As the conversation continued, he started talking about his father who came from the ”old country” and his grandfather who worked the family farm in Europe. His emotions were getting stronger. Then he talked about his wife, kids and grandkids and felt he has done a good job in terms of providing for them financially. Our conversation then began to focus around what he felt for each of his family members and more importantly how he wanted to have them remember him. As I listened, I thought something was missing. So, I suggested that he consider what he wanted his legacy to be. We then began to focus around what he felt for each of his family members and more importantly how he wanted to have them remember him…

Learn more about the concept of legacy and how you can ensure it lasts for generations to come.